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What are prebiotics?

Submitted by Maxxx17 » Sat 14-May-2022, 20:17

Subject Area: General

6 member ratings

Honestly, I confused the term with antibiotics, but now I realized that they are completely different drugs. Have you ever used prebiotics?


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RE: What are prebiotics?


By Olenka01 » Sat 14-May-2022, 22:11, My rating: ✭ ✭ ✩ ✩ ✩

Yes, they are completely different drugs. Prebiotics do not digest and promote the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the digestive tract. So they are essentially bacteria in your gut and prebiotics feed the bacteria in your gut. If you are experiencing any symptoms of gut health, taking prebiotic supplements is a good idea at https://au.therastore.co.nz/ingredient/probiotics-digestion/prebiotics/. I hope I've made that clear to you.

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