IT Quality Control(Contrast with: quality management, quality assurance)
If we deliver on time, but the product has defects, we have not delivered on time. IT Quality control is the process of testing software intensive systems to uncover defects and hence measuring actual quality. In the software development context test candidates can be specifications, design descriptions, code listings, executable software modules, units, subsystems or complete systems. ![]() Quality Control ActivitiesQuality control activities should occur throughout the software development life cycle. The earlier defects are discovered the less expensive they are to fix.
Note that quality control metrics are used as an indicator of software development process effectiveness and act as a trigger for process improvement. Measures of Software QualityThe most common measure of software quality is defect density expressed as defects per thousand lines of code. Defect density is measured at various points in the software product's life cycle. ISO/IEC 9126 Software engineering - Product quality1 provides many additional measures. The defect density of delivered software is a simple number by which a software development organisation can be judged. All software development managers should know how their group rates. Where: KLOC = Thousand Lines of Code NDT = Number of Defects Detected in Testing NDO = Number of Defects Detected in Operation Software Quality BenchmarksWhen defining software quality control limits, what are reasonable values for defect densities? When should we decide that our software development process is out of control and needs serious improvement? At what point should a customer reject a custom developed software product if failures are experienced in operation? This is a difficult question as tolerable defect densities in software vary widely as a function of application type and criticality. For example we routinely tolerate high defect densities in word processing software whereas the avionics software that controls flight surfaces in an aircraft must have extremely low (or zero) defect densities in delivered software. Valid comparisons of defect densities across application domains and organisations are also hampered by variations in the process of defect classification and data analysis methods. Organisations are also understandably reticent to air their dirty linen and share defect density metrics. In his book Code Complete2 Steve McConnell goes out on a limb and provides the following guidelines:
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