Requirements Patterns and Ontologies(Alias: boilerplate, disciplined natural language, structured english)
Pattern languages are like the English language - they free you from having to sort through meaningless combinations of words to communicate with others. They don't destroy your creativity, they enable it.
To apply a pattern is to leverage the experience of thousands of analysts who have come before. You are no longer alone. A Pattern ExampleA sales manager wants a system to send emails to thousands of customers. "I want to monitor the progress of each campaign while it is under way," he says. "Mailout status messages must be displayed." The experienced analyst intuitively knows that there is missing information here. For example: What triggers the sending of a status message? Who or what sends the message? What is in the message? Where did this intuition come from? How did the analyst identify that something was missing by looking at what was there? In these situations good analysts, sometimes unknowingly, simply reference their mental library of requirements patterns, select a suitable candidate and perform a quick gap analysis on the attributes they need for a particular type of requirement. For example, the sales manager's statement sounds like an event driven requirement. This pattern is therefore a good candidate: {when} <event> the <actor> {shall} <action> <object of action> <further refinement of action> After asking more questions the analyst is then able to write this more complete requirement: {When} <each mailout attempt is complete> the < mailer> {shall} <display> <a mailout status message> <comprising: the date and time, success or failure status and mailout percent complete>. A knowledge of pattern languages can therefore help you find what is missing by studying what is there. How Ontologies Improve QualityIf you've got English expression under control, you've only solved part of the specification problem. Following a pattern only cleans up your syntax and helps you find missing information. But what about the meaning of what you have written? Is it correct, complete and unambiguous in your application domain? This is where ontologies take requirements specification to a new level. An ontology is essentially a domain-specific dictionary of "things" and their relationships. In the example above the "thing" that sends the message will always be referred to as the "mailer". The ontology will also record the fact that the mailer is capable of "sending a mailout status message". As we discover what else the mailer can do, we add new <actions> to the ontology. With an ontology in place we can discipline the writing of requirements statements, either manually or with software tool support. With the ontology as oracle, the specifier is constrained to documenting only the facts that the ontology knows to be true. For example, we cannot, by mistake, specify that the mailer sends invoices. In this way integrating a domain ontology with a pattern language significantly improves specification quality - usually on the first release - thus eliminating expensive rework. Building an ontology is a non-trivial enterprise, but it is worth the effort. The cost of defective requirements can be crippling, especially if they are not discovered until a system is in use. Hundred million dollar failures are common (refer Saving Obamacare). If, by alerting you to patterns and ontologies, we help you prevent just one such disaster in your entire technical career we will have been of service. More on Ontologies
The origin of ontologies. The term originated circa 500 BCE with the pre-Socratic philosopher Parmenides, who explored the fundamental nature of reality by asking the questions: What is ultimately there? What is it like? How does it interact? Ontology examples. Fast forwarding to the present, systems engineering ontologies formally represent domain knowledge as a hierarchy of concepts using a set vocabulary to denote the types, properties and interrelationships of domain concepts. A fragment of an ontology for a humble washing machine is provided below. Many more examples can be found at Stanford University's on-line tool: Web Protégé 6. Constructing Requirements PatternsPatterns (alias: boilerplate or disciplined natural language) are standard sentence structures for expressing requirements. They use consistent syntax and integrate attributes from the domain ontology of interest. Using standard patterns authors are more likely to get-it-right-the-first-time. Reviewers (including automated analysis tools) are also better equipped to judge the goodness of a requirement statement. Here is an example of a pattern used when required behaviour is best described in terms of system states: {while} <system state> <actor> {shall} <action> <object of action> <further refinement of action> Where: <system state>, <actor>, <action>, <object of action> and <further refinement of action> are placeholders for domain-specific attributes sourced from the domain's ontology and {while} and {shall} are fixed syntactic keywords. If this pattern were applied in the domain of aviation, an instantiation might read:
This example illustrates how the pattern provides the structure (alias: syntax) and the ontology provides the meaning (alias: semantics). Compound statements of requirement can also be constructed by combining several patterns using string concatenation. Creating a Pattern LanguageTo take full advantage of this specification strategy, organisations need to develop their own pattern language by identifying a limited set of patterns that suit their particular application domain. For example, Rolls-Royce 4 identified five patterns that suited requirements specification for engine management systems (refer: Easy Approach to Requirements Syntax - EARS). These patterns are reproduced below - tagged (EARS). Sample PatternsHere are some patterns for commonly encountered classes of requirement. Pattern: Event-Driven (EARS)
Example context: Creating invoices when goods are shipped
{When} an order is shipped and the order terms are not “Prepaid” the system {shall} create an invoice. Pattern: Capability
Example context: Uninhabited air vehicle (UAV) capabilities.
{When} all communications are lost the UAV {shall be capable of} automatically navigating to base. Pattern: State-Driven (EARS)
Example context: Controlling display intensity on low power
{While} in low-power mode the system {shall} reduce the intensity of the user display to a configurable minimum level. Pattern: Pre/Post Condition
Example context: Recovering disk space by deleting log files
{If} greater than 80% of disk space has been consumed, the system {shall} free up disk space, {such that} a minimum of 20% of disk space is available and at least the last 30 days of log files are available. If this condition cannot be achieved the system {shall} send an error message. Pattern: Universal Attribute (EARS)
Example context: Controlling access to medical records
The system {shall} prevent unauthorised access to patient data. Pattern: Optional (EARS)
Example context: Diverting telephone calls.
{Where} the call divert feature is present, the system {shall} allow the user to divert all incoming calls to a specified telephone number. Pattern: Unwanted Behaviour (EARS)
Example context: Preventing a traffic light from displaying dangerous signals.
{If} opposing green signals are detected {then} the traffic signalling controller {shall} de-energise all traffic lights. Pattern: Complex Combination
1. Example context: Determining where photos will be stored on a digital camera.
{While} in start up mode, {when} the software detects an external flash card, the software {shall} use the external flash card to store photos. 2. Example context: Describing the behaviour of a message switcher.
{When} a message is received, {if} Message has all UTF-8 characters and has a valid routing indicator, {then} the system {shall} switch that message {within} 10 milliseconds of receipt, {from} the message input port {to} the message output port, corresponding to the routing indicator in the message. Determining Pattern Attributes with OntologiesOntologies help a group of people to develop a shared vocabulary about their domain of interest. This vocabulary can then be used to unambiguously specify system requirements in that domain. Historically, ontologies were designed to represent knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence and are expected to facilitate automated logical reasoning. For example, detecting redundancies and inconsistencies in requirements. In complex systems development ontologies are used to validate requirements on input. For example, a washing machine ontology records the objects of interest that comprise the machine and the actions that individual objects, or the machine as a whole, can perform. The following is a fragment:
Benefits of Ontology Based RequirementsApplying an ontology to requirements statements significantly increases their precision and consistency. In addition, given that attributes, sourced from the ontology, are applied to named placeholders in requirements patterns (e.g. <actor>, <capability>, <event> ...), it is possible to analyse the specification with a software tool. In this way the specification ceases to be a jumble of words that can only be interpreted by a human being. For example, a software tool can generate useful reports on content. Some examples are:
Applying predefined attributes also eliminates ambiguity. Examples include: a particular event is always described with the same text; an object is always referred to by the same name. An ontology also allows automated tools to reason about the accuracy of a requirement. For example, a tool can detect an action that has been incorrectly assigned to a particular actor. For example, an airline passenger may not engage the automatic pilot. Application Notes
Experience has shown that ontologies can be defined at all stages of analysis and specification, even at the highest level of creative visualisation, such that when the time comes to specify the lower level requirements the semantic framework is in place - terminology and behaviours are well understood and agreed to by all parties. The various requirements patterns can then be unambiguously populated. For more on the hierarchy of requirements view our video: Specifying Software Requirements. An elicitation process is also described in our Joint Application Design page. Analysis: distilling truth from a fog of words. In the course of requirements elicitation analysts collect reams of text. They are typically redolent with: subjective wishes ("the system must be user friendly"), human opinions ("the generation Y attention span is no greater than 140 characters") and some basic truths ("web users must experience a response time latency of no greater than three seconds to remain engaged"). The analyst's job is to tear this great body of words down to its very essence, to refine, structure, classify, model, evaluate the feasibility of, prioritise and negotiate. The output of analysis is typically: English language requirements statements and models (e.g. object models, function flow diagrams, state transition diagrams, decision trees and tables, mathematical equations ...). And hereby lies the both the problem and the solution provided by patterns. A common problem: technologists can't write English. Technologists, often mathematically oriented and untrained in written and verbal communication skills, are good at modelling but struggle to express themselves in plain English. This becomes a problem when complete, correct and concise descriptions of system behaviour must be written for an audience of non-technical users. Requirements expressed in rambling natural language often result in ambiguity, vagueness, subjectivity, lack of clarity, lack of coherence, lack of testability and missing information. More than 50 years experience in complex system development has clearly shown that failure to capture accurate and detailed requirements has been responsible for the majority of project failures. The solution: use a pattern language. Many organisations have persevered with pattern languages because they've observed that, once given a good example of how to articulate certain kinds of requirements, even the most illiterate of technologists write better specifications almost immediately. Limitations of the MethodThe requirements patterns provided here generate statement level requirements only. They are not useful where large quantities of repetitive information are better expressed in tabular form such as the input/output lists of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. Where complex decision-making is required, a better approach is to use decision trees or tables. In application domains such as real time embedded systems, detailed requirements are better expressed with models such as the finite state machine. Note that a finite state modeling strategy would apply to a detailed behavioural specification of our humble washing machine. Tool SupportAs demonstrated above, a pattern is instantiated by assigning textual values to the attributes. These values may be manually entered by a user or selected from suggestions sourced from a domain-specific ontology. In this way some level of automation can be introduced into specification writing. For example, this technique is used by The Reuse Company's Requirements Authoring Tool - RAT 5.
Further ReadingA software pattern reference. Stephen Withall's book Software Requirements Patterns 7 provides 37 requirements patterns. Web Protégé. Examples of ontology development using Stanford University's on-line tool: Web Protégé are at http://webprotege.stanford.edu/#List:coll=Home. Web Protégé is a free, open source collaborative ontology development environment for the Web. The CESAR research project, funded by the European Union AREMIS program, publishes reports on the use of boilerplates. The reports also discuss formalising the approach with ontologies.
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