Control System DesignThe development environment for safety critical control systems has become progressively more challenging for the control systems designer. Design processes and work products are specified in international standards and customers such as aviation, rail and road transportation authorities have become more literate in design best practices. Consequently the 21st century customer not only expects to receive a demonstrably safe and reliable control system but also requires systems assurance: visibility of the design process to give confidence that the constructor will produce an acceptable result. The 21st century designer therefore needs knowledge of international standards for best practice together with experience in applying semiformal methods to the design of complex discrete-event control systems. CA people have substantial depth in this area. We help our clients answer the questions:
ServicesCA provides either complete turnkey design solutions or works with control system design teams to improve outcomes. We have depth of experience in projects with IEC 61508 and EN 50128 compliance requirements. In these roles we:
Case Studies