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What is the best fertilizer for centipede grass?

Submitted by brounh » Fri 02-Jun-2023, 15:17

Subject Area: General

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Centipede grass is a low-maintenance warm-season grass that has relatively low nutrient requirements compared to other grass types. Here are some considerations when choosing the best fertilizer for centipede grass:

Balanced Ratio: Look for a fertilizer with a low nitrogen (N) content, such as a 15-0-15 or 16-4-8 ratio. Centipede grass prefers a lower nitrogen input to avoid excessive growth and thatch buildup. The nitrogen content should be in the range of 1-2 pounds per 1,000 square feet per growing season.

Slow-Release Formulation: Opt for a slow-release or controlled-release fertilizer for centipede grass. This allows for a gradual and consistent nutrient release over time, reducing the risk of nutrient leaching and excessive growth.

Low Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K): Centipede grass has relatively low requirements for phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, choose a fertilizer with a lower phosphorus and potassium content or select a formulation specifically designed for centipede grass, which often has a 0-0-7 or 0-0-4 ratio.

Timing of Fertilization: Apply fertilizer to centipede grass in late spring or early summer when the grass is actively growing. Avoid late-season fertilization as it can encourage excessive growth that may be susceptible to winter damage.

Soil Testing: Conduct a soil test to determine the specific nutrient requirements of your centipede grass. This helps identify any deficiencies or imbalances in the soil and allows for more targeted and effective fertilization.

Application Rate: Follow the package instructions for the recommended application rate based on your lawn size and the specific fertilizer product you are using. Avoid over-fertilizing, as it can lead to thatch buildup, shallow root growth, and increased susceptibility to diseases and pests.

Watering: After fertilizing, make sure to water the centipede grass thoroughly to help activate and distribute the nutrients into the soil. Adequate watering also ensures that the grass can take up the nutrients effectively.

Remember that the best fertilizer for centipede grass generally prefers lean soil and can be sensitive to excessive fertilization. Therefore, it's crucial to use fertilizers sparingly and in accordance with the specific needs of your lawn. Regular mowing, appropriate watering, and proper lawn care practices, such as dethatching and aerating, will also contribute to the overall health and vigor of your centipede grass.

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