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Black Lives

Submitted by Olly Hudson » Tue 11-Aug-2020, 03:42

Subject Area: Human Factors

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Racism and racial segregation have continued to become a major issue in the U.S. The end of the Civil Movements signified the attainment of liberty which was sought by the African-American activists. As depicted in the three articles under analysis in this essay, these movements are gaining popularity after realizing that it is only through civil actions and not depending on political leaders, that the lives of the blacks will be protected. This essay aims at analyzing the historical aspects of the three articles and how they impact todays American society.
The Matters of Black Lives Analysis
The general theme of this article is to reflect on the judicial killings of the African-Americans during the presidency of Barack Obama, the first African-American to rule the nation. The article seems to show the frustration among the black community because the issues affecting them have not been addressed appropriately. The author quotes a report by the Human Rights Campaign indicating that between the year 2013 and 2015, of the fifty-three transgender murders that were recorded, thirty-nine of the victims were African-American. The article shows the disappointment of the African-Americans with the current President by expressing Alicia Garzas reactions. Garza states that when President Obama was invited to make the final State of the Union address, he did not speak about the need for police reforms. This article is relevant to todays world as it deals with the issues affecting the modern American society by confronting the elected leaders.
Alicia Garzas reaction and belief are that she should not relate to a system that does not deal with the actual issues affecting the people. Patrisse Cullors and an acquaintance of Garza argues that the consequence of focusing on a leader is that one develops a necessity for that leader to be the one who is the spokesperson and the organizer who directs the public on what is to be done. Instead of the public understanding that it can cause the intended change themselves.
By these experiences, we get to understand the origin of democracy as the government by the people and for the people. Cullors and Garzas experiences of the modern democracy are that it should be about the people through the elected leaders, but who do not deal with the actual issues affecting the public.
The New Black Power Analysis
The New Black Power seems to supplement the ideas presented by the Black Lives Matter Movement because it involves the revolt by the youth (18-35 years of age), against systems that oppress the African-Americans. The article is relevant to todays society because it reflects on the actions of the group, BYP100 which is under analysis. BYP100 deals with current issues affecting the modern communities. One of the actions the group intended to push was to have an elected Chicago Police Board instead of an appointed one. The groups intention was to have a leadership structure that can be held accountable on how it deals with the issue of police brutality against black people.
The experiences of the young activists enable us to understand the goals of civil movements and the actions that are taken in pursuit of passing policies that are not controversial and acceptable by the majority. The BYP100 movement can help us understand the origin and start of the Civil Movements that brought significant social, economic, and political changes. The article shows that the members were inspired by Cathy Cohens literature whose idea was to present views on social habits and the culture of black people with the aim of improving their lives.
The piece of writing shows the societys reaction to the modern days segregation culture. The partial application of policies is seen as segregation. By calling for an elected Chicago Police Board, the BYP100 seeks to encourage blacks to get involved in the decision-making process by having a say in the appointment of officials handling the criminal justice system. This article supplements previous readings such as The Other Boston Busing Story and the Voices of Freedom which illustrated early segregation encounters in Boston. By analyzing the two articles with The New Black Power, policymakers would be left with the question of deliberating themselves whether they have been able to tame and end segregation, or it has just taken a different form; the killing of the African-Americans.
Campaign Zeros 10 Policies Analysis
The ten policies represent the reform suggestions to the issues affecting Blacks in the U.S. These policies are significant because they aim at giving the legislative system and the government a solution to the demonstrations by various groups such as Black Lives Matter and The New Black Power. Most of the policies that Campaign Zero is suggesting are already implemented in some States in the U.S. For instance, the policy on limiting the use of force by the Police has been backed by State Legislations in Cleveland, Seattle, and Philadelphia. The Cleveland Police Department policy bans the use of force on an individual for talking back or as punishment for running away. In Seattle, the Police Department policy requires that the minimum amount of force be used in apprehending a subject with specific guidelines for the types of force and weapons authorized to a given level of resistance.
The significance of the Campaign Zeros ten policies is that they show the new methods by which people aggrieved by the government are using to demand for their issues to be dealt with. Unlike many types of demonstrations, this kind of protest shows a problem and at the same time comes up with suggestions on how to find a solution. Assessing this current reading with the Black Lives Matter Movement, one would understand Alicia Garzas disappointment when she indicated that the leaders were not doing enough to protect the lives of the African-Americans. The election of Barack Obama gave hope to the black community that the ten Policies by Campaign Zero would be debated in Congress.
In conclusion, from the three readings, the general theme that we get is the peoples struggle towards racial equality and the fight against segregation. As presented in one of Campaign Zeros policies, the police departments in the U.S is mostly populated by whites, which can be seen as a form of bias. As Campaign Zero suggests, it is prudent to have equal representation in all institutions according to the race, gender, and cultural diversity of the communities involved.

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