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Simple image can become an iconic representation of a company’s identity

Submitted by anonymous » Thu 26-Sep-2024, 01:08

Subject Area: Design

1 member rating

When you think about logos from famous brands, it’s amazing how a simple image can become an iconic representation of a company’s identity. But when starting from scratch, the journey from an initial idea to an iconic logo seems complex. How exactly does the process of logo design work? I’m curious to know how designers go from a rough concept to a final product that speaks to the brand's values and resonates with customers. What are the key stages and considerations involved in turning a simple idea into a recognizable and memorable symbol?

2 Reviews 

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RE: Simple image can become an iconic representation of a company’s identity

Great overview

By anonymous » Thu 26-Sep-2024, 03:05, My rating: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭

That’s a great overview of the process! What’s really fascinating is how each stage adds layers of meaning and depth to the logo. At the start, the designer and brand owner need to collaborate closely to align on the values and story the logo should convey. The challenge is to translate abstract ideas, like trust or innovation, into visual form, and that’s where the designer’s creativity really shines. Sometimes, the most iconic logos are deceptively simple, but that simplicity comes from a lot of careful thought and deliberate choices. One of the key stages that often gets overlooked is the revision phase. It’s rare that a logo is perfect on the first try. Designers create multiple drafts, playing with different concepts, layouts, and color schemes. This phase allows for feedback and adjustments to ensure the logo feels just right. It’s also where the brand's future vision comes into play—how will this logo look on various platforms? Will it be versatile enough to evolve with the brand?

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