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How can I maintain code quality without SCM?

Submitted by JoeClark » Mon 11-Dec-2017, 20:13

Subject Area: General

Keywords: Inbound Marketing Examples

10 member ratings


I am working in a governmental institution. The technology being used here and the methods for developing software are quite old fashioned.

They have tons of storage space but no appropriate space to keep and maintain applications that are used to automate most of the work here.

The institution would not allow me to use SCM software like GIT or SVN.

What would be the best approach to keep code quality and be able to add new features in the apps later on?

How can I remember changes I have made to the code without breaking it?

EDIT: I forgot to mention, they have network drives for each of the computers and somehow these network drives make or save backups in periods. However if I don't create my own plan allowing to save my work and be able to add new features without breaking the existing code, there is no big advantage over an SCM solution.

EDIT: Since many people suggested portable Git I have add more info. I tried installing Visual SVN server, but it failed because I don't have admin privileges to install. I also tried downloading regular Git shell, but the firewall or the network settings didn't allow me to access Git download page. I even tried, sending portable Git to my email which is Gmail. Google detected the exe file in the package, and it too didn't allow me to download the portable Git version on my work computer. Another thing I have to mention, the network policy applied to the computers trough the institution do not allow using USB storage devces. You can use the USB ports to charge smartphone or power some gadgets like small speakers.
Also as some people mentioned, there are computers on which not even Internet is allowed.

Please Help.


I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

Inbound Marketing Examples


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RE: How can I maintain code quality without SCM?


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