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Nature as the solution to climate change.

Submitted by anonymous » Wed 27-Mar-2019, 06:21

Subject Area: General

16 member ratings

Hi all,

Here are some things we know: that the climate is changing, that this is largely a result of too much carbon and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and that we continue to emit more carbon into the atmosphere every day.

So, given all that we do know, here’s one thing I don’t know: why we aren’t investing more in nature’s ability to address climate change.




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Member Comments

RE: Nature as the solution to climate change.


By anonymous » Sat 04-May-2024, 20:09, My rating: ✭ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩

You raise a crucial point about climate change and the urgent need for action. It's perplexing why we aren't prioritizing nature-based solutions more in our efforts to combat this global crisis. Investing in initiatives like reforestation, wetland restoration, and sustainable land management not only helps mitigate climate change but also preserves biodiversity and supports local communities.

On a related note, if anyone is looking for assistance with assignments related to climate change or environmental science, there are reputable services available where you can buy assignments https://myassignment.live/buy-assignment.htmltailored to your specific needs. These resources can provide valuable insights and support your academic journey while contributing to the broader conversation about addressing climate change.

Let's continue to advocate for sustainable solutions and work towards a healthier planet for future generations.

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