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Mental Health Counseling Profession

Submitted by rorymoore » Mon 06-Jan-2020, 23:33

Subject Area: General

Keywords: mental health, business reports

5 member ratings

Both manmade and natural disasters have resulted in the inclusion of the new roles in the clinical mental health counseling profession. From the disasters that have happened in the world, mental health counselors have learned lessons that led to the extension of the scope of the profession. To begin with, mental health counselors will need to address the hierarchy of the victim's needs for effective mental healing. professionals will need to identify the needs and classify them in hierarchical order after which they will start addressing them from the highest ranked in the hierarchy to the lowest. For example, in the case of Sandy Hook shooting, to promote recovery, mental counselors had to protect the victims from the press that at that time was intrusive https://bestwritingservice.com/write-business-reports.html.

Disasters have been an eye-opener for mental health professionals. In the process of assisting survivors, mental counselors have realized they can work hand in hand with law enforcers after death notifications have been made to offer support and ensure safety. Mental health counselors need to provide cognitive support, protect children, and offer grief counseling. The aim is to bridge the gap that was always left out in the past. Victims of disasters who were given death notifications of relatives and friends require the help of mental health counselors to cope with the loss of their loved ones. For this reason, mental health counselors should work closely with law enforcement agencies to provide the support.

Mental health professionals realized that continued support for survivors is an effective way of treatment. Normally, victims were being followed for a short time but with the many disasters that have happened, the knowledge about secondary stressors has come up. Secondary stressors include legal claims or having the survivor witness law trials. Therefore, mental health counselors need to help victims to avoid mental health issues over time by carrying out outreach programs that will run for several years after the disaster. As disasters continue to strike the world, several mental health needs are arising which have an impact on the clinical mental health profession.


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RE: Mental Health Counseling Profession

Naturopathic doctor in Michigan

By anonymous » Tue 10-Sep-2024, 02:21, My rating: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭

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