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Dating in Asia?

Submitted by Jannet » Sat 24-Oct-2020, 18:48

Subject Area: General

3 member ratings

A mixture of cultures has always thrown up riddles for exotic lovers. When their beauties have already set their teeth on edge, you want something unusual, subtle, mysterious. That is why men can start to hiccup what they want. Most often, they turn to erotic exoticism and seek meetings with Asian women.

The first thing that catches the eye is appearance. Of course, everyone has their own tastes: dark skin, narrow eyes, a crooked nose, curvaceous or small stature. Everything is strictly individual. But the fact that an unusual appearance beckons is an indisputable fact.

Typical appearance of an Asian woman: short stature, cute, somewhere even a child's face, gentle, purring talk, fragile physique. The Internet is replete with photos of Japanese women, Chinese women, Vietnamese women. And they are all like a selection: a porcelain face and a childish, naive look. Filipinos do not fall under this pattern. They are different. But it is difficult to distinguish them from their native Bashkirs or Tartars, which undoubtedly makes them just as attractive, and even relatives with their more or less familiar appearance. Why is the appearance of Asian women so attractive? What did Asians play so skillfully that they became so popular? Everything is very simple. Any Asian woman who takes care of herself retains her teenage appearance until old age. It seems that time has no power over them, or they sleep in a cryochamber. What does any man need? That's right, 80% of men over 30 prefer girls younger than them. This effect is achieved by fanatical self-care. No Asian girl will offer to love herself for who she is. None of them, unlike European women, will run themselves into an ugly state.


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RE: Dating in Asia?


By fergus » Sat 25-Sep-2021, 20:25, My rating: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭

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