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adult learner - any singapore math courses online?

Submitted by Wesker » Thu 22-Jul-2021, 01:48

Subject Area: Testing

7 member ratings

I stopped taking math classes in 9th grade and never really learned math even up to that level. I would estimate that my math ability is somewhere around long division (maybe around 5th grade). I'm 33 years old and embarrassed by this. So I want to correct it. Better late than never? I realize I'm not the target demographic here, but you all probably know best.

I would love if there was something like Kahn Academy for Singapore Math but I haven't found anything. I'm willing to work through the books but would like if there were videos where I could follow along too. Any suggestions?

I specifically want to do Singapore Math. Thank you.


Member Comments

RE: adult learner - any singapore math courses online?

private schools in Austria

By Wesker » Sat 29-Jun-2024, 03:42, My rating: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭

If you're seeking Singapore Math resources with videos, check out the Singapore Math section on Khan Academy. For private schools in Austria, for detailed information on top institutions.

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