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Flutter engine

Submitted by anonymous » Wed 08-Sep-2021, 00:10

Subject Area: General

4 member ratings

The heart of Flutter lies in the Flutter engine. Flutter engineThe engine is written mainly in C++ and supports all Flutter primitives. It is responsible for rendering composited scenes when a new frame is needed to be painted. It implements Flutter's core API at a low level, which includes graphics (throughSkia), text layout and file and network I/O. Accessibility support. Plugin architecture.


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RE: Flutter engine

Top JavaScript Frameworks

By herbertj » Fri 04-Feb-2022, 20:32, My rating: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✩

There are numerous JS frameworks. Which JavaScript framework is great? It's not possible for anyone to tell considering the way that each JS framework is great for one pack of challenges and not the best one for another. Check in this article Top JavaScript Frameworks 2022

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