The Rant
Dog For Sale and Cockapoo: Warning Signs To Watch Out For When Dealing With Breeders
Submitted by fergus » Tue 14-Sep-2021, 21:37Subject Area: GeneralKeywords: cockapoo, dog, pet | 1 member rating |
Although the best place to buy puppies is from breeders, you should be careful when making the purchase. This calls for you to be observant of warning signs that might be suggestive of something wrong. Some of the warning signs that you need to be cautious of include:
Meeting venue and cockapoo
As a rule of thumb you should visit the breeder at his kennel. If you notice that the breeder is suggesting that you meet in another place other than at the kennel, you should refuse to do it.
This is because he could be hiding something from you. For example, he could be hiding the awful condition of his kennel, poor treatment of the dogs, or the number of dogs or breeds that he has. To be on the safe side, always insist on meeting him at his kennel.
Dogs and their names
Dogs and cockapoo should have unique names that they respond to
When you visit a kennel, you should ask the names of the dogs and you should take it upon yourself to call the dogs by their names.
If the puppies don't respond to the names, it's an indication that they are not properly taken care of and the breeder treats them as "puppy factories." Failure of the puppies to respond to their names could be a sign that they are dumb and can't learn even their names. To be on the safe side, you should not buy these types of puppies.
Form of advertising
A professional breeder uses professional forms of advertising his business. For example, there is no professional breeder who will use hand painted roadside signs to advertise puppies for sale.
You should also be cautious of a person advertising oddball or specialized breeds. This is because the breeds might have been stolen and the person does not even know the source of the dogs.
You should also be wary of a "breeder" advertising many different breeds for sale. This is because they might be stolen. Always remember that professional breeders specialize in rearing one or two dog breeds.
Registration body
The recognized body that registers breeders is the American Kennel club. Before you buy a puppy, you should ask the person to show you the papers that allow him to engage in the business.
If the person gives you excuses as to why the papers are not available at the moment, you should avoid buying from him. You should also avoid buying from a breeder registered with weird bodies such as: American Canine Association and Continental Kennel Club.
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