The Rant
Submitted by anonymous » Wed 20-Apr-2022, 23:52Subject Area: General | 1 member rating |
Many modern students are forced to face the problem of choosing an author for writing a WRC. It does not matter at all what type of WRC you need to order - a diploma, a dissertation, and so on. It is much pay for college papers more important to find a professional author, in whose competencies you will be 100% sure. But how to do that? An unconditional option - according to the portfolio. But what should an author's portfolio look like, what information should it contain, and how should they be trusted? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.
So, when you have found an exchange to order a WRC or have found an author you intend to apply to, you should study the portfolio. Let's start with ordering work through the exchange. Each such cpm geometry homework help site has a section that contains the portfolio of the author or the entire exchange. The second option, of course, is less acceptable, but nevertheless, it has a place to be and will also come in handy.
Please note right away that you will not see the full text of all the works in the portfolio, and this is understandable, since no one intends to share free materials with you, unless, of course, this is specifically provided.
So, if you have visited the exchange website and have already made a choice in favor of several authors, then you should pay attention to the following items in the portfolio:
- Grouping works by subject
For the convenience of your navigation through the author's portfolio, all works should be grouped by subject. That is, it can be a grouping by faculties of any university, or maybe by disciplines. It doesn't matter much. The main thing is that one author does not have works on completely different topics in his portfolio. If a person is a professional in his field, then for sure he will specialize in only one topic. Maximum two. Agree that there is no good doctor, lawyer and programmer all rolled into one.
At this point, everything is already easier. One author can easily specialize in writing diplomas, coursework, master's, bachelor's or specialist's diplomas, essays, and so on. The main thing is that in the list of these works there should not be materials that, in terms of complexity of execution, are completely different from those that you need. For example, you are looking for an author to write a WRC, you find a suitable candidate, but in his portfolio you see a number of school essays. Agree that this will divert your attention from such an author It is rightly said that a PhD who specializes in writing WRC will never write school essays.
- Pay attention to ready-made WRCs
So, when you have more or less studied all the works in the portfolio, then it would be time to pay close attention to the WRC. As mentioned above, you will not read the full text of the WRC work in the portfolio. There are, of course, exceptions when the author deliberately invites students to read the work in its entirety, and even download it for free. But in most cases, such materials can only be auxiliary, and you will not see much sense for yourself from them.
As a professional, you are unlikely to be able to assess the professionalism of the author by a small passage from the WRC. But for general development and familiarization, such information is very valuable and useful.
- Complete information about the identity of the author
The presence of a large number of completed works in the portfolio is not enough for you to make the final choice in favor of the author. You need, at a minimum, to understand what kind of person he is, what his age, education, competencies, and so on. The portfolio should contain information about the author, in addition to the list of completed tasks. So, this is a full name, preferably an address or city of residence, e-mail, a phone number, education, information about the presence of diplomas.
- Reviews and recommendations
And the last thing you should pay attention to while studying the portfolio is reviews and recommendations. Of course, you cannot be 100% sure of their authenticity and veracity. But if they contain the data of the person who wrote the review, then this is a big plus. If just reading a review is not enough for you, then you may well contact the owner of this review and ask him everything you need about the personality and competencies of the author.
We wish you to make the right choice of the author for writing the WRC!
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