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Common Linking Words for students

Submitted by anonymous » Wed 19-Jan-2022, 17:41

Subject Area: General

6 member ratings

There are a lot of linking words are exist on the google search engine result page, thousand of websites you will see if you browse. Here I would like to share with you my opinion for beginner students who have just started learning English as a second tongue. Linking words is connecting words and producing a meaningful full sentence. It has 8 conditions that are sequence, result, emphasis, addition, reason, example, contrast, and comparison. For your fundamental purpose, I wanna bedesribe example condition. Way of telling the example with the help of transition words here are the words: for example, for instance, that is, such as, including and namely. If you want to learn through graphics reach out on youtube. O r text method reach out to us on website.


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RE: Common Linking Words for students

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