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What motivates people to produce and distribute academic works?

Submitted by anonymous » Mon 19-Sep-2022, 22:01

Subject Area: General

6 member ratings

Because books allow for as much in-depth conversation as desired, they are different from other forms of communication. If people fully understand the issue, they can organize their thoughts.

As maintained by book writing services, popular science writers succeed because they like to write. The majority of academic authors do it because they like it. The publicity authors receive after their work is published is merely a benefit. Authors are asked to assist in the dissemination of discoveries when their works are a success. If you want to publish a book, you have to be open and truthful about your opinions on education.


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RE: What motivates people to produce and distribute academic works?


By Kantor » Mon 24-Oct-2022, 18:45, My rating: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭

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