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What are community involvement platforms?

Submitted by emma1234 » Thu 27-Oct-2022, 19:35

Subject Area: General

2 member ratings

Community platforms establish and maintain a forum for beneficial discourse among community members. The community building platforms allows users to share their thoughts, concerns, and opinions. This process is occasionally referred to as "community engagement."
People who share interests, goals, or other characteristics (such as identities, purposes, or philosophies) can come together on an online community platform to get to know one another and forge relationships.
With the aid of community management software, a business or brand may create, host, and manage an online community.


Member Comments

RE: What are community involvement platforms?


By jasonsmithgavin » Tue 22-Nov-2022, 19:02, My rating: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭

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