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E-Commerce Replatforming

Submitted by Kolja-kust » Mon 31-Oct-2022, 17:31

Subject Area: Coding

4 member ratings

I am new in business, but I want to develop and want to read something about, say, E-Commerce Replatforming, I would like to understand the importance and necessity of it!


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RE: E-Commerce Replatforming


By Abudemio » Thu 19-Jan-2023, 02:33, My rating: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭

I think that if you hire true professionals, you will always find a good opportunity to equip your online store at best. I wish I could help you, but I need to boost my skills all the time. Perhaps I can even be hired by kubernetes migration team and provide services to customers like you. But again, they will not hire just somebody. So I guess I need to be really the best to get this job.

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