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AI Testing

Submitted by Makkil6 » Mon 31-Oct-2022, 04:30

Subject Area: General

1 member rating

I bet that every tester and developer experienced incredible excitement before the first work with artificial intelligence. It was the same with me. But romantic expectations quickly stumbled upon the impenetrable wall of reality. Once my team had to test a self-learning algorithm. From the very beginning, many surprises awaited us. Therefore, at the beginning of testing, use the advice of professionals.

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Member Comments

RE: AI Testing


By Colson » Mon 31-Oct-2022, 04:38, My rating: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✩

Hello. Businesses of all sizes use the cloud, and open source has become the standard for infrastructure software. Both set their own mix of benefits and risks. A major attack or data center failure can pose a problem for many organizations, and we can certainly expect an increase in cyberattacks based on open-source vulnerabilities.
This trend will continue to lead to the rapid growth of cyber criminals, so you need to know how to protect your business from cyber attacks. I've seen some explanations of this here https://diesec.com/red-teaming/ where there is information about the team monitoring security incidents and potential security breaches.

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