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What is a DSP platform and how does it work?

Submitted by JosephParsons » Mon 05-Dec-2022, 23:22

Subject Area: General

1 member rating

Looking back at 2009, when only a few were using programmatic, spending on DSP platforms in 2018 seems unbelievable. According to the latest data, they amounted to $ 47 billion. And according to eMarketer, by 2020 programmatic will take 86.2% of all digital advertising and will accelerate the evolution of digital marketing.

DSP Platforms: Benefits
Demand-Side Platform (DSP) is the main product of programmatic advertising. Platforms where media buyers and advertising agencies buy space on the mobile web or apps at rates.

Fortunately for advertisers, auction platforms eliminate the need for manual work and automate the advertising process. Given that prices and rates remain under the control of the platform, it is possible to make the process really profitable.

Precise audience targeting is another feature that makes DSP platforms attractive to media buyers. Most platforms use accurate user data obtained from app analytics, and this allows you to target 10 or more positions.

An example of the BYYD platform

What is Mobile DSP?
These are platforms that focus exclusively on mobile advertising. Mobile DSPs unpack access to ad placements on websites or apps. The technology ensures that ads are adapted to mobile screen formats. And given the amount of time users spend on their phones, mobile DSP platforms increase the advertiser's chances of being noticed at the right moment.

Why do media buyers use DSP?
1. It saves money
While most ad networks continue to charge per thousand impressions, DSP platforms allow you to buy impressions on platforms with quality audiences, so buyers don't overpay for empty traffic.

2. There is access to traffic sources around the world
Software platforms sell inventory that comes directly from vendors. The latter, in turn, work with advertising platforms, websites and mobile applications. As a result, after registration, the advertiser gets access to high-quality traffic sources around the world.

3. Possibility of precise targeting
DSPs enhance their functionality with user data to help media network shoppers target specific audiences and reach potential customers with personalized messages.

4. Possibility of analysis and statistics
DSP ads can be analyzed right on the platforms. This allows you to improve results and not waste your budget.

An example of the BYYD platform

5. Transparency of purchases
A recent initiative of the IAB is the fight against the shadow players in the industry. Most DSPs monitor low-quality proposals and deal with risks.

How does the DSP platform work?
Advertisers use the DSP to obtain information about users of mobile sites or applications and evaluate whether the user is in their target audience. Depending on the result, advertisers buy real-time impressions and can manage their campaigns by setting a bid cost.

Once a bid is determined, DSP analyzes all current advertiser campaigns and finds the best one for the user. The DSP, on behalf of the bidders, bids against the other bidders, and the highest bidder gets the right to place an advertisement on the mobile site page or app.

1 Comment 

Member Comments

RE: What is a DSP platform and how does it work?


By Don Young » Wed 07-Dec-2022, 21:37, My rating: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭

The information is useful, but I would add a great firm, check here, which is one of the most popular traditional DSPs on the market due to its robust feature set and prompt support. My firm has long been part of the firm's long list of clients and has a proven track record of optimizing companies' advertising efforts with its programmatic advertising platform.

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