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Loan advice

Submitted by Kingasan555 » Fri 20-Jan-2023, 20:51

Subject Area: General

1 member rating

I remember my first “interview” was a company who reached out and it essentially was selling life insurance. Before I went to go to the interview, researched the company and realized what it was and skipped.

As you said, goal is to grab a college kid who will hopefully sell 1 policy to a family member trying to help them out, with a very low % becoming successful at selling policies for a living.

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Member Comments

RE: Loan advice


By Xials » Sat 21-Jan-2023, 19:29, My rating: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭

Hello. One potential risk of taking out a personal loan is that you may end up with a higher interest rate or less favorable terms if you have a low credit score or limited credit history. It is also important to carefully review the terms of the loan agreement and understand any fees or penalties that may apply if you are unable to make payments, check credit 9 lending reservation code. Additionally, taking out a personal loan can increase your overall debt load, so it is important to consider whether you will be able to make the required payments and if the loan is a financially viable option for you.

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