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Social Media marketing research

Submitted by guitarist717 » Mon 22-May-2023, 23:43

Subject Area: General

1 member rating

Social media marketing (social media marketing) - this name defines the attitude to social networking sites as special social media. In other words, social media marketing is not about connecting or entertaining people. This is the whole set of information tools and techniques that serve to convey to a specific consumer a marketing message about the subject of marketing: product, brand and company. All of this is clearly outlined on SM90.

Social media marketing (social media marketing) is the use of social media platforms to connect with your audience - it is a communication channel used by:

to promote your values, ideas, products, your brand, the name of your company;
used to ensure the involvement of target consumers in the life of the company, brand;
formation of the consumer community and ensuring influence on it.
Social media marketing involves:
communication with consumers in your social media profiles (attracting attention, informing, advertising, referral and behavior correction),
receiving feedback,
attracting an audience of your marketing subject, from among users of social media,
analysis of your results
placement of direct and indirect advertising in social networks.
The main social media platforms (at the moment) are Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, Pinterest.

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RE: Social Media marketing research

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