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The Rant

social network

Submitted by anonymous » Wed 28-Jun-2023, 14:04

Subject Area: Safety

1 member rating

What social networks do you know in Web3.0?

1 Comment 

Member Comments

RE: social network

As a user

By anonymous » Wed 28-Jun-2023, 14:05, My rating: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✩

As a user with a [URL=https://belong.net/founder-pass]Founder pass[/URL] on Belong, I'm thrilled about all the privileges it offers. From exclusive content and forums to invitations to special events, having the Founder Pass badge next to my name gives me access to additional features in-app. One of the most exciting perks is the ability to participate in platform-related voting. Being a Founder Pass holder truly opens up a world of advantages and opportunities that I can't miss out on.

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