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Hey everyone, has anyone heard of academicghostwriter.org?

Submitted by Diablo Senin » Sat 22-Jul-2023, 02:27

Subject Area: General

2 member ratings

Hey everyone, has anyone heard of academicghostwriter.org? They claim to offer ghostwriting services for academic papers and essays. I'm a bit torn about the idea of using such services. On one hand, it could be helpful when you're struggling with a tough topic, but on the other hand, isn't it unethical to get someone else to write your assignments for you?


Member Comments

RE: Hey everyone, has anyone heard of academicghostwriter.org?


By geowship » Sat 22-Jul-2023, 02:29, My rating: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭

I see both perspectives here. As someone who values academic integrity, I find it hard to support the use of ghostwriting services. Education is about learning and developing skills, not just getting good grades. Using such services might hinder that growth and understanding of the subject matter.

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