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The Rant


Submitted by reinathorn » Mon 04-Sep-2023, 20:28

Subject Area: General

Keywords: RAMPS

2 member ratings

In a world where corporate interests often overshadow the needs of communities and the environment, RAMPS https://rampscampaign.org/ (Radical Action for Mountains' and People's Survival) stands as a shining example of the transformative power of grassroots activism. Its unwavering commitment to justice, equality, and the preservation of the Appalachian region's natural beauty serves as an inspiration to those who seek change around the world. As the movement continues to grow and evolve, it reminds us that even in the face of enormous challenges, collective action can change the world.

What sets RAMPS apart is its holistic approach to "direct action," which encompasses a wide range of strategies beyond traditional protests and demonstrations. This multifaceted approach involves not only opposing the coal industry during its mining phase but also intervening in the destructive process, providing vital support to affected communities, and empowering individuals to be active agents of change.

One of the most remarkable aspects of RAMPS is its recognition that it is part of a larger movement seeking to end mountaintop removal. This fight is a collective endeavor, with various organizations employing diverse strategies. Organization understands that by joining forces with like-minded groups and individuals, the movement can effectively dismantle the systems of oppression and devastation that allow the destruction of mountain peaks to continue unabated. Cooperation, it acknowledges, is the key to breaking the chains of exploitation.

What truly distinguishes RAMPS is its approach to solidarity. It understands the unique dynamics that come into play when outsiders engage in local struggles. Rather than imposing its own agenda, Organization works in close collaboration with the local communities who are on the front lines of the battle. This solidarity is built upon the principles of sharing resources, networks, time, bodies, and even personal freedom to pave the way for justice.


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By IvoryHoward » Wed 10-Jan-2024, 11:08, My rating: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭


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