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Adapting Workouts with Progress: Efficient or Overkill?

Submitted by kwaelchi » Wed 13-Sep-2023, 06:29

Subject Area: General

0 member ratings

Recently, I embarked on a journey where every exercise program was uniquely designed for my fitness goals. As I progressed, my personal trainer meticulously adjusted my regimen based on my evolving strengths and weaknesses.
Initially, I was skeptical. Would this personalized, ever-evolving method truly be better than a static, tried-and-true program? I debated whether investing in customized workout plans was worth the extra cost, and I was apprehensive about the potential time commitment involved. But to my surprise, adapting workouts provided by trainerpro felt incredibly tailored. The constant tuning ensured that I reached my goals efficiently and it felt like my progress was always being prioritized.
I'm curious, have you experienced a similar approach in your fitness journey? Do you think adapting workouts to one's progress is the most efficient method or just an unnecessary complication? What's been the best choice for you and why?


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