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The Three Practical Rules for Success on Facebook

Submitted by anonymous » Tue 21-Nov-2023, 18:16

Subject Area: General

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Social networks and more precisely Facebook have become the workhorse of most business marketing strategies, SMEs , companies and professionals , who wish to have greater visibility, brand positioning, customer service, etc., etc., it starts expecting to obtain results and ultimately conversion (sales).

Facebook is an excellent communication and promotion channel but be careful, because “not everything that glitters is gold” buy real comments for facebook, many companies are failing or rather do not obtain the expected results for various reasons.

The main reason is not having a defined plan on social media or what is worse (and I see it very often with some of our clients) not following the steps of the plan already outlined. But many of those who achieve a relative amount of Fans (only through advertising), fail to attract quality followers or complain that their followers do not respond to their publications and even less to their offers.

Here I share what I consider basic, which are 3 rules of success on Facebook and which, when used correctly, serve to attract quality Fans, they are:

1. Attraction

We have all had the experience of being attracted to someone or the pleasure of being with a trusted person, this generates a feeling of security. This analogy is comparable to the reaction of our audience on Facebook, that feeling in a marketing strategy on Facebook is the key when it comes to attracting a person to become a Fan of our business page.

He will become a fan if he feels attracted, if your business or your person or what you share reflects a certain credulity or trust. A Facebook user already knows what a company page is and if you put yourself in their place and in the same situation, you will surely ask yourself: What do I get by becoming a fan of a page? What does this page have that interests me? The key is to think before acting.

A very common and certainly unoriginal phrase or element to attract followers is… “Follow us on Facebook” or “We are on Facebook.” Do you feel attracted if someone says something similar to you, without further ado? Of course at this point it no longer works, I think we just need a little more creativity to attract our target audience. Thinking, to attract, is a good start and a good start is also counting the value that will be obtained by becoming a Fan of our page.

2.  Value

Once you have attracted a new follower through your strategy, it is vital and important to provide that value that you promised. To offer value, it is clear that you must have followers with an interest in a specific topic that has to do with your business, or your company. You should not only know your Fan statistically according to market studies, but also establish relationships with them. Invite them to be part. Ask them how or what can I help you with? What are your concerns with our product or service? How can I improve? By knowing them you can add even more value to them.

 “If you sell dog food on social media, don't talk about the food, talk about the dogs.” Take the idea of this phrase and incorporate it into your Facebook page. Your fans are not particularly interested in your products and offers, but in your knowledge about the topic they are interested in.

Share your knowledge on your Facebook page and find “the dogs” in your business, so you no longer need to always talk about “their food.” Here are some example topics of what the value of becoming a fan might be:

“Here we will help you solve your problem… Here you can ask us questions… You need instructions for use… maintenance… adaptation of the products… here you have examples of use… we will share the latest news about… ”

3.  Interaction and engagement

Interaction with users is key when it comes to attracting and delivering value on Facebook. Every time someone clicks like, comments or shares your content, there is always someone who finds out. If that someone perceives value, they will be attracted to your Fan page.

The Fans of your brand who interact with your page are more likely to see your publications, and only by asking and talking will you be able to get to know them better to provide greater value and thus create commitment (Engagement). Some clues on how to generate more interaction:

“Ask questions and be attentive at least 1 hour after each publication; respond to all your fans; use calls to action like. Write your answer in a comment; Humanize your brand and your page with photos of the people behind your business, people buying from your company, etc. Post photos along with links and text to capture attention on your fans' latest news, make short posts. Studies show that 80-100 characters receive more interaction.

I hope that these rules help you improve your communication and marketing strategy on Facebook and that you can obtain quality Fans, who will then become customers, not all of them will be... just some... which, as a general rule, are the ones necessary to continue with your purpose.


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