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How can I get Xenophage exotic machine gun in Destiny 2?

Submitted by rakaj » Sun 08-Dec-2019, 20:48

Subject Area: General

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How can I get Xenophage exotic machine gun in Destiny 2?


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RE: How can I get Xenophage exotic machine gun in Destiny 2?

How can I get Xenophage exotic machine gun in Destiny 2?

By elvin » Mon 09-Dec-2019, 20:21, My rating: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭

I put in a lot of effort to get Xenophage. Only after I was able to get the buff did I need to run around the Anchor of Light and activate six departments in a certain order. But I was not able to interact with these analogs in the correct order and I lost my buff. After that I had to start all over again, but reaching this point, I again lost the buff. Then I got tired of all this and I buy Destiny 2 weapons My order began to be executed within 24 hours and during the process I was kept up to date with everything that was happening, which I was very pleased.

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