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What's your favorite video game concept art? (Art in general)

Submitted by Wesker » Sat 01-May-2021, 01:49

Subject Area: Design

1 member rating

I was creating a custom mouse pad and started thinking of concept art I could use for the image across all the video games I've ever played, I decided I might go with something from the Half Life series, or maybe I'll shoot for a more classic older game. What's your favorite video game art you've stumbled across?

1 Comment 

Member Comments

RE: What's your favorite video game concept art? (Art in general)


By Gaover » Wed 04-Aug-2021, 20:55, My rating: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭

"What's your favorite video game concept art? A lot of people don't know that there are artists who create the concepts for games. Artists like Joseph Lacroix, John Gallagher, and Albert Lozano have created the same day essay review initial idea for a game. These artists are hired to design everything from characters to weapons or environments."

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