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The Risk

Why quit drinking is a difficult task

Submitted by karri » Wed 11-Dec-2019, 16:47

Subject Area: General

6 member ratings

A popular excuse, with which people allow themselves not to give up a glass or bottle, is: “I can quit it any time I want!” But this is self-deception. The problem is that often alcoholism cannot be defeated by willpower alone.
From the point of view of doctors, drinking is a kind of complex eating disorder, the causes of which often lie in the genetic predisposition. So, it has been found that alcoholism and bulimia are linked by Coregasm: Why It Happens, How to Have One, and More Genetic Overlap between Alcohol Use Disorder and Bulimic Behaviors in European American and African American Women to the same genes. And this means that both situations relate not only to behavioral, but also to psychophysiological disorders.
In fact, alcoholism is a malfunction of the brain. Dangerous because alcohol is embedded in chemical bonds inside the gray matter. As a result, the brain sits at regular doses of C2H5OH, from which it is not so easy to remove.


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RE: Why quit drinking is a difficult task

Alcohol IOP

By Xials » Sun 26-Feb-2023, 23:29, My rating: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭

Welcome! Overcoming alcohol addiction is a process that requires patience, dedication, and support. Alcohol IOP offers a range of services that can help people achieve long-term recovery. Their program includes detox, therapy, and post-op support. They also offer specialized services for people with comorbid conditions such as anxiety or depression.

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