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RANT or Microsoft Flight Sim

Submitted by JoeClark » Thu 08-Feb-2018, 18:24

Subject Area: Project Management

8 member ratings


I did my Helicopter Instrument rating earlier in the year and would like to keep all the skills i learned up to date with regards instrument nav.

I don't want to get rusty having spent a small fortune getting the IR.

Im looking for opinions on which would be the better programme for me to buy to allow me to practice navigating when i get spare time. Are there any special controllers i should look for?

I also use Mac's and would both programmes work on a mac?

Please help.


I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.


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RE: RANT or Microsoft Flight Sim

Microsoft Flight

By anonymous » Tue 10-Jan-2023, 05:35, My rating: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭

Microsoft Flight Sim has been one of my favorite games ever since I started playing it. The graphics are realistic and beautiful, and there are many different aircraft that you can choose from. Must check sjhmalu.com/product/20-series-aluminum-extrusion-profile to get information about machinery parts. The controls are very simple to use, which makes it easier for beginners to learn how to fly an aircraft easily without causing any accidents while flying around in the sky!

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