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Why can't my PayPal receive money?

Submitted by anonymous » Mon 17-Jun-2019, 21:15

Subject Area: General

Keywords: paypal customer service number, paypal support phone number, paypal customer care number, paypal customer service phone number, paypal customer service phone number, paypal customer support number, paypal toll free number

4 member ratings

You cannot receive payments in or withdraw payments from your PayPal account, because previous transfers to your preferred card or bank account failed. As a PayPal Send Only account holder, you are not permitted to receive funds from other PayPal account holders. Your account cannot receive payments.
Know more PayPal Customer Service Number


Member Comments

RE: Why can't my PayPal receive money?


By MarkUltra » Mon 14-Feb-2022, 23:01, My rating: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✩

You need to check if your account was banned or something like that because it may happen if there's suspicious activity or the possibility of fraud actions from your account. As I know, companies like https://covery.ai/ can easily detect any frauds, so if you tried to perform such operations, then there must be consequences.

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